Why Study Journalism?
Click on the reporter for the answer
Spring 2025
Here are the outlines for my courses this semester:
Syllabus Addendum
The link below takes you to Boston University’s policies with regard to Title IX, sexual misconduct, equal opportunity, disability and access services, student athletics, recording of classes and the university’s code of conduct.
This should be considered part of the syllabus for every course I teach.
The bibliographies below serve these courses: JO 150 History and Principles of Journalism, JO 502 Writing About Popular Music, JO 542 Literary Journalism, JO 700 Graduate Symposium in Journalism and HI 280 The History of Rock’n’Roll.
Click on the links for a listing of key works in each area.
Syllabus Archive
Here are old course outlines for the classes I teach, just to give you an idea of what we will do if you see one of these listed in an upcoming semester. These will always be altered, but these old outlines give you a general idea of what’s going on.